Thursday, September 15, 2016

English 8 & Advanced English 8: After "The Ransom of Red Chief" Test

Once you have finished the test on Schoology, you are to complete the following activities.

If you have not completed the No Red Ink grammar skills practice activities, you are to complete this first.  

Activity #1: No Red Ink Grammar Skills Practice Activities

You are to log-on to No Red Ink and complete the "Quotes Practice", "Identifying Sentences and Fragments", and "Capitalizing and Formatting Titles"  activities that have been assigned to you. You are to work through all three practice activities on No Red Ink. 

These practices are NOT graded.  No Red Ink requires that point values are placed on the assignments, but these practices will NOT count as grades. You can use your scores to assess your own performance.

If you do not get to complete the No Red Ink practices today, they are NOT homework.  You will have an opportunity to complete these practice activities in the future.

Activity #2: Online Textbook Skills Practice

You will need a set of headphones for this activity.  You can use your own or get them from the bin at the front of the room. If you do not get a chance to complete this activity today, it is not homework

Step 1: Click the link to the online textbook: 

Step 2: Enter a username and password for the online English textbook (The list of usernames and passwords is on the Supernova Team Blog. If your desk number is not working after a few attempts, you can try to use cmssupernova for both the username and password.)

Step 3: Click on the link that says, “Go to the Online Textbook”.

Step 4: Click on blue tab that says, “Student Resources”

Step 5: Select from the first drop-down menu “Unit 6: Style, Voice, and Tone”

Step 6: Select from the second drop-down menu “Us and Them”

Step 7: Click the blue button that says, “Go!”

Step 8: On the left-hand side of the page under “Online Extras” click “Level Up: Irony”

Steps 9: In addition, you will work through the lesson on "Sentences by Structure".