Friday, October 16, 2015

The Other Midnight Riders Cross-Curricular Project

   The students read and discussed the poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride” in English class with Mrs. Porter. While in social studies with Mr. Faith, the students studied Colonial America. For the project, the students were to research the other midnight riders who assisted in warning the people about the impending British attack. The students were to determine how accurate Henry Longfellow’s poem was as compared to the actual historical accounts. The students researched and analyzed the real-life accounts of the other midnight riders in order to gain a richer knowledge of the events that lead up to the American Revolution. After the research was completed, the students rewrote Longfellow’s poem. However, this time, the students were to be as close to the actual events as possible in their poems. By writing their own historically accurate poems, they gave each rider the credit that they deserved for their contributions to the American Revolution.

Standards Covered: Social Studies: 8.3 America History & English 1.3.8 A-F, H-L; 1.4.8.M-W

 Pictured above are students gathering research on the other midnight riders. 

Pictured above are group members analyzing the poem, “Paul Revere’s Ride”. 

 Pictured above are students composing their historically accurate poems.