Monday, September 28, 2015

Mrs. Porter's Penny Project

   Have you ever wondered where your money has been before it makes it to you?  The journey could be very interesting in some cases.  
   The students of Mrs. Porter's English 8 classes are imagining the first year of “life” that each of their pennies had and they are writing narratives to explain each of their pennies' journeys.  
   Each student selected a penny at random.  The year on the penny was the year that the student researched.  The students had to complete 13 research questions that were based on the popular culture of that year.  
   Before the students started their research, they participated in an interactive mini-lesson on effectively using Google with Mrs. Barbarino.  For the final stage of the project, the students will be incorporating their research into their narratives.  The students are writing their narratives from the perspective of the penny. 
   The projects are due at the end of class on Wednesday, September 30th. The students' narrative papers will be displayed in Mrs. Porter's room.

Mrs. Barbarino is assisting Natalie B. with citing her sources in NoodleTools.

Ethan S., Shelby S., and Evan O. are hard at work on the Chromebooks completing their research.