Thursday, April 30, 2015

Advanced English 8: "Art in the Style of ..." Project

For the next few weeks, Mrs. Porter’s Advanced English 8 students will be working on the “Art in the Style of…” project. Students will work in pairs or individually to complete their works of art. We will also be working with our building’s gifted support teacher, Miss Moniodes and our art teacher, Mrs. Angle, on this cross-curricular project.

As teachers with a variety of backgrounds, we believe in the importance of a holistic approach to teaching and learning. Incorporating art into the regular education classroom helps promote creativity and foster confidence within our students and their work.

The Task: Students will create a drawing, painting, or sculpture of a local structure, landmark, or feature found within our community and render it in the style of an artist they have researched.  Students will then create a PowerPoint presentation or Prezi that explains the style of the artist, his or her works, or a fundamental belief that he or she had. Students will also explain how they incorporated their artist’s style into their art work.

The student’s projects will be evaluated with a teacher-designed rubric that focuses on content and creativity. The project will conclude with some final products being displayed at Canonsburg Middle School’s “Celebrate the Arts Night”, held on Wednesday, May 27th.  Visitors to the event will be able to hear or see the students explaining their works of art through the use of QR codes that will be placed next to the students' works of art.