Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Advanced English 8 students read the play, "The Diary of Anne Frank" and the novel, The Diary of a Young Girl. As a culminating activity, the students selected from six quotes from Anne's diary. The quotes were based on the themes of freedom, goodness, giving, courage, happiness, and humanity. Each student wrote an essay about the ways that he or she had been inspired by the life of Anne Frank to value that specific theme in his or her own life. The students also created a leaf based on one of the six themes. Each student wrote Anne's quote on one side of the leaf and his or her own original quote on the other side of the leaf. This project was based on the Anne Frank Tree Interactive Monument. Anne Frank often admired the chestnut tree in the courtyard behind the secret annex and wrote about the tree in her diary.

The students pictured above with our Anne Frank Tree are Kate, Brittany, and Taylor.  The tree was placed in the auditorium for the Holocaust survivor speaker. 

For more information, you can visit the Anne Frank Tree Interactive Monument. You can also leave your own quote or message on the virtual tree.

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